Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bloggity Blog and Daniel is Seven

I am so new to the blogging world!! I can not figure out how in the world you "Follow" a blog if the icon isn't on their page or their profile?? Please...enlighten me if anyone reads this...share your wealth of knowledge. I see where a few of the fabulous blogs I love to read (because they are precious...people I go to church with and love to keep with their babies) are going private.It is so sad that something wonderful can be so dangerous. The internet world is a prickly, "proceed with caution" world anyway. So...girls, please enlighten how I can keep up with ya. I am not one to hang around after church alot and socialize...I am usually the one rushing home to finish dinner as my whole family has Sunday Dinner at my house after church (which I looove...usually).

Just look at this little dude!! He turned SEVEN on June 19 and I can't believe it!! He pulled another tooth a few minus two and one bottom...picture to follow!! I promise!! He is so into legos, army anything, and gets lost in a world of play that I love to linger close to and listen to the sounds he makes playing, the voice changes, and great animal sounds he can make!!

Ok...the blog thing may grow on me...we'll see. Love, Sarah