Friday, January 21, 2011

A Little Tis the Season

The Vogue/GQ pose.

The two babies...Lily and Daniel...feel the love. Ha, no slamming doors moment!

Long Time No Blog...Take Two

Just look at that face. He was determined for his Christmas cookies to turn out just right. We worked hard on them and he loved every minute of it. Lily loved eating them! They aren't perfect by any means, but we sure felt like we had accomplished alot.
I am frustrated at the fact that it takes so long for pictures taken with my superduper camera to upload to any social pages including my blog. My hubby will be disturbed if I use my low megapixel camera. What's a girl to do?? I guess the time to upload some photos is worth it. I love my new camera...just gotta learn to use it. I am excited about all it's blingy features. Here's a shot, well, the top photo, and yes, I thought I had it in sequence with my text, but NO! I'm learning. It took exactly 16 minutes for one photo to upload. The sweet cookie face picture was taken with my 4 megapixel. Hmmmm...again, what's a girl to do. I wonder if I use flickr? Would it help?
Christmas was really good for the most part. The other, I will block from my memory. I really will! Winter is being brutal for us Kentuckians. We relic in the thought of big snows that were, but we tire with it really fast.I can handle the snow, it's the ice that terrifies me. We have had ten snow days for our school system thus far. Daniel snuggles in every night with the question on his mind, "Will there be school tomorrow?" Lily fears she won't see her boyfriend the next day!
The kiddos went sled riding today. Daniel was on cloud nine! "Sissy can sure spot a good hill" was his comment when we came in from the cold. Then, it was hot chocolate and cartoon time! I am home with them due to needing to work this weekend (it's my turn). So I must say..."I LOVE A SNOW DAY TOO"!